Workplace stress can keep you in the doctors office
Posted on June 12, 2017Workplace stress has been known to cause a multitude of problems. Recently a study from that it also can cause health related concerns. Patients who are considering plastic surgery should be mindful of not only their work schedule but also the attitude of the people with whom they work. Patients considering procedures such as breast augmentation, breast reduction, or facelift are often concerned about the attitude of their coworkers when they return to work. Dr. Kim assures his patients that in most cases the attitude of coworkers is much less negative than what many people fear. Patients should allow enough healing time(especially for facial procedures) if they are concerned about the reaction of others. Workplace stress should always be kept to a minimum, especially if it is making use sick. According to KTLA Being stressed at work can take a physical toll. A study finds that being in high-strain occupations may be linked with making more trips to see the doctor compared with those in less-stressed jobs. The study, published recently in the journal BMC Public Health, included a nationally representative sample of 29,110 Canadian workers who were part of the Canadian National Population Health Survey from 2000 to 2008. Researchers looked at those in high-, medium- and low-stress jobs and the number of times they visited a general practitioner or a specialist.