What Do You Weigh? Probably Not What You Think
Posted on May 11, 2017Most people underestimate their real weight according to recent article. Men and women specifically those that are obese have become more likely than ever before to underestimate their true weight according to recent study. In a paper published in the Journal PLos ONE, researchers at the University college of Cork analyzed height and weight data for Irish adults over a nine year span of time. They found in three separate health surveys in which many women were asked to guess their height and weight, and those figures were in turn used to calculate BMI, over time the participants underestimated their weight increasingly over time. The height measurements that were estimated were surprisingly much more consistent. BMI is used as an indicator body fat content. Based on a person’s BMI they are categorized as either underweight, normal, overweight, or obese. People in the obese category will face greater risks to their health. The researchers surmised that the reporting of BMI and its inaccuracies have increased over time due to the normalization of obesity. In other words, obesity has become commonplace and it has altered the view of what people consider normal or obese. Dr. Kim explains to patients who contact him desiring body contouring procedures including liposuction or abdominoplasty that it is imperative that they are not obese. While it makes sense to many patients to consider liposuction as a removal of fat and therefore allowing them to lose weight the reality is that liposuction is a contouring procedure that removes only small amounts of fat for the purpose of achieving better contour. And abdominoplasty will remove loose and lax skin or what is also known as an abdominal flap; however, on a person who is obese the true aesthetic value is lost. Dr. Kim also shares with patients who have invested in abdominoplasty and or liposuction that is in their best interest to maintain a healthy weight and a consistent exercise program to maintain the best long-term life long results. Patients who are considering liposuction or abdominoplasty are encouraged to contact Dr. Kim and schedule a consultation.