Wellness Coaches Gain Popularity
Posted on June 8, 2017Life coach was the buzz term tossed around from early 2000 through about 2005. In most cases it replaced the title motivational speaker. Now a new term has surfaced may be as a reinvention of motivational speaker, life coach- and now wellness coach. According to recent local ABC news story there is a distinct differentiation between personal trainers, who concentrate on physical fitness, and a wellness coach. A wellness coach claims to take a specific up holistic approach, which is created to focus on both the body and the mind. Typically, they meet clients individually and help them create a tailored health plan. The coach is really trained to help you take a bigger picture of you, overall aspects of your health and wellness, and then come up with a formula that combines all of these things together, said Margaret Moore, CEO of Wellcoaches Corporation. This type of coaching is common for executives; however, the new wellness coaches claim that it is not just for executives. It was seen in the workplace with executives that they were more productive if they were healthy and fit and they were handling their stress well and addressing all the issues of wellness. So now its showing to be advantageous for the average person to pursue wellness as well, said Dr. Holly Benjamin of the American College of Sports Medicine. Cosmetic plastic surgery has always been about wellness and health. Since cosmetic procedures are elective, they are specifically for people who are healthy. It is hopeful that as this trend progresses that wellness coaches will include plastic surgery options as part of the overall plan for their clients who are interested in looking and feeling their best. Dr. Kim explains to his patients that as they make proactive decisions about their health which include exercise and proper diet it stands to reason that they will be proactive concerning their appearance. Patient should begin at a younger age addressing the obvious signs of aging. This can be done using noninvasive cosmetic procedures like Botox and fillers. Patient should consider procedures such as facelift, brow lift, and blepharoplasty as soon as they begin to see fine lines and wrinkles become more noticeable. This will allow them to have the least drastic change in their appearance, the most natural appearance, and the best long-term results.