The Cosmetic Surgery Doctor| What Does He/She REALLY Specialize In?
The Cosmetic Surgery Doctor| What Does He/She REALLY Specialize In?
Posted on June 5, 2017
Over the years there had been growing concerns over more and more medical doctors branching out and performing cosmetic surgery procedures. According to a recent online article patients are often trusting blindly that there gynecologist should be good at performing popular cosmetic surgery procedures. Numerous patients have discovered the hard way that any medical doctor with a license is permitted to perform cosmetic surgery procedures. This does not mean that they are experienced or skilled specifically and cosmetic surgery procedures. Unfortunately for some patients the results from untrained physicians have been disastrous. According to the article a is just a matter of time before more and more physicians choose to perform cosmetic surgery procedures. This practice has increased 747% said 1997. They have created a society called the International Society of Cosmetogynecology. Cosmetic procedures are lucrative for medical doctors because they are cash pay as compared to insurance payment. The concern becomes the results for patients. Hybrid practices have increased along with the problems according to alarming new research. An August 2007 a study by the Physicians Coalition for Injectable Safety discovered that 38% of its plastic surgeon members have treated complications due to injectables administered by inadequately trained injectors. Dermatologist have been alarmed at the number of misdiagnosis for skin cancer by untrained medical personnel practicing aesthetic medicine. Often they mistake skin cancer for age spots using laser treatment which is not appropriate. This can be deadly since the skin cancer often returns at a more advanced stage. Safety issues are high for the patients. Dr. Kim acknowledges that it can be tempting to have cosmetic procedures at the same place where you are having a gynecological exam. The reality is when it comes to your health, one-stop shopping should not be the goal. Liposuction and breast augmentation are popular procedures; however, patients should never forget that the procedures are surgery. This means there are risks for complications. It is imperative that the surgeon have skill, talent, and aesthetic plastic surgery experience. Above all safety is most important. Patients who are considering cosmetic surgery procedures are encouraged to contact ASPS plastic surgeon Dr. Kim and schedule a consultation.