Seasons of Cosmetic Surgery; says Dr Oz
Posted on June 5, 2017According to recent online article there is a time and place for everything, including plastic surgery. According to the article highlighting information from Dr. Oz, seasons affect cosmetic surgery like many other lifestyle choices. According to the article, the spring season is best for breast augmentation and liposuction, and the season for facelift is typically right after Christmas. The logic behind the seasonality is rather obvious when you consider each procedure. During the spring it is believed that women begin to think about getting into the bathing suit with complete dread. They begin to try them on and may notice a little fat or wish they were filled out in certain areas. Adding in recovery time most patients believe theyll be socially acceptable by the summer if they have surgery in the spring. Facial surgeries like facelift, or eyelid lifts, fall into the winter months most commonly. Most patients are socially acceptable after these procedures in about two weeks, yet some patients may have residual bruising and swelling and may truly not want anyone to notice. If a scarf is needed to cover lumps, bumps, and bruises it is much easier to wear during the fall and winter months. Recovery from multiple procedures will take longer than smaller procedures. Older women can expect to have a longer recovery than younger women. Of course, if you have significant medical issues this will increase your risk of complications following surgery. This speaks to the importance of having a plastic surgeon who is experienced in a wide range of medical conditions when choosing plastic surgery. Dr. Kim advises patients who are considering cosmetic plastic surgery to allow themselves plenty of time for recovery following their procedure. While most patients do extremely well, and have a recovery that is relatively uneventful, it is best to prepare for the worst case scenario so that the patient is able to relax and fully recover without the pressure of engagements and requirements that have been planned and cannot be changed. Patients who are considering cosmetic plastic surgery are encouraged to contact Dr. Kim and schedule a consultation.