Say No to Yo-Yo -Dieting for the Holidays
Posted on June 5, 2017According to a recent online article, a new study highlighted the effects of yo-yo dieting. Yo-yo dieting is repeated loss and regain of body weight. The cycle could be a small range of anything from 5 to 15 pounds of weight loss, up to 50 pounds or more of weight loss. Researchers of the study, from Baylor College of Medicine performed an evaluation on the effectiveness of non-dieting when compared to dieting treatments in 219 overweight women who were binge eaters. Researchers discovered that after a yo-yo weight cycle people had the same amount of fat and lean tissue as they did prior to the weight cycling. So, while there were no definitive determinations that yo-yo dieting is harmful to your health, there were still concerns. The main concern is that weight cycling can cause fat to collect in the stomach area rather than the hips or butt. Dr. Kim warns patients who have participated in yo-yo dieting that the effects on the results of their plastic surgery can be extremely negative. For breast augmentation patients, weight fluctuation can cause a sagging component to a breast augmentation result that was previously an acceptable result. Body contouring patients who have lost and gained weight can also see negative effects of sagging skin. Patients are advised to maintain a consistent stable weight for the best overall appearance following plastic surgery.