Restaurants offer skinny selections – will they make us skinny?
Posted on June 12, 2017The words low calorie look great on a menu. But will people really choose to order those selections? The promise of eating less calories to be skinny does not hold true for everyone. Dr. Kim explains to his patients that proper diet and regular exercise are only part of the equation. Some patients have stubborn areas of fat that do not respond to diet and exercise. Dr. Kim treats these areas which usually include the lower abdomen, love handles, lower back, and outer thighs with liposuction. This allows him to remove small amounts of fat while sculpting and contouring the body. As an artist Dr. Kim is able to achieve results that are superior compared to diet and exercise alone. After the procedure patients are encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle including proper diet and exercise. Having more low-calorie choices at restaurants can help. According to ABC7 one of the biggest surprises for diners is finding out their favorite foods, even salads, can run over 1,000 calories. While some patrons don’t even glance at the new calorie postings on the menu, many chains aren’t taking chances at losing customers due to calorically pricey plates.