Red Wine May Have Benefits for Fighting Breast Cancer

Red Wine May Have Benefits for Fighting Breast Cancer

Posted on June 12, 2017

Red Wine May Have Benefits for Fighting Breast CancerAlthough some studies have linked excessive alcohol consumption to increase risk of breast cancer.  A new study finds that the ingredient found in red wine resveratrol, the magic ingredient thought to be responsible for so many of red wine’s health benefits, can actually stop breast cancer cells from growing by blocking the growth effects of estrogen.The study, published in the October 2011 issue of the FASEB journal was included in an article on the Huffington Post website.  Dr. Kim stresses the importance of good breast health to all of his patients having breast surgeries. Patients who are having breast augmentation should be aware that after surgery it will still be necessary to follow the American Cancer Society’s recommendation for breast self exam monthly.  Patients with both silicone and saline implants should learn to examine their breast tissue while being certain that they are able to fully feel the actual breast tissue, and that it is not mistaken for the implant.  Patients who have had breast reduction or breast lift surgery should also be comfortable examining their breast tissue and not confusing it with scar tissue that they may feel after surgery.  For patients over 40 years of age, the recommendation is annual mammograms.  Patients should follow the advice of their primary care physician who is knowledgeable concerning their family history and will make recommendations in accordance with that information.

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