Questions for the Doctor
Posted on June 12, 2017Monica Vasquez Asks:
Do you recommend silicone over saline is there really a diffrence?
The anwer to that question really depends on the patient. What the breasts currently look like and their size, and the goals of the patient are all important factors in choosing the proper implant.
Silicone does have a more natural feel than saline and less rippling but in patients with enough breast tissue the difference is minimal. Silicone will cost more and possibly a higher capsular contracture rate and if it leaks it will just sit there, so the implant companies recommend that every few years you get an mri to see if it is leaking. So silicone implants may be a little more of a headache in the long run. But for some patients the added benefit of feel is worth the added inconvenience and price. I do about 50/50 saline versus silicone. When a patient comes in for a consultation I will carefully evaluate them to see which implant would be the best choice.
Dr. Kim