Proof Mammograms Reduce Breast Cancer Deaths
Posted on June 12, 2017After many years of study mammograms have been proven to reduce breast cancer deaths. Dr. Kim has expertly performed many breast augmentations over the years. It is not uncommon for younger patients to be less concerned about breast health than women who are over 40. The reality is breast health should be important to every woman whether she has breast implants or not. Patients with excessive breast tissue who are considering breast reduction should also be aware that one of the risk factors for breast cancer is the presence of breast tissue. Removing breast tissue will not guarantee that a patient will not get breast cancer; however, any breast tissue that is removed is sent to pathology to assure that the tissue is healthy. After breast surgery, patients are advised to perform monthly breast self exams and to begin mammogram screening at age 40. If there is a family history of breast cancer patients may be advised to begin screening earlier and more often. According to The Los Angeles Times the longest study yet to examine women who undergo mammography shows that it reduces deaths from breast cancer by at least 30%, a finding that many doctors say may help ease the recent controversy surrounding the procedure.
The three-decade study in Sweden showed that one breast cancer death can be prevented for every 414 to 519 women who are screened, a much lower number than the 1,000 to 1,500 that had been projected in previous studies.