Plastic surgery blog:Medical text, Help or Hype?

Plastic surgery blog:Medical text, Help or Hype?

Posted on June 8, 2017

Plastic surgery blog:Medical text, Help or Hype?According to recent online article medical information on a smart phone makes sense. Health management has moved from files and folders, to EMR and into the memories of smart phones.  There are some (free) smart phone apps and mobile services that can help you manage your health. These are a few according to a recent online article: iTriage is a one-stop health app. Created by two ER doctors in 2008, tells you what’s wrong with you and where to go for treatment. It uses a huge data base of ER locations and service times.  Another application, Text4Baby uses free text messaging to educate and inform moms to be and new moms about how to give new babies the “best possible start in life.”  Another application Smokefree TXT is an app that uses free 24/7 text messages to help smokers kick the habit.   One of the best apps in the article is Rxmind Me Just download the free app, put in your medications, dosages and other important information and Rxmind Me will alert you when it is time to take your pills. You can also add pills you take infrequently so you can check on drug interactions with your physician or pharmacist. Patient should always remember that cosmetic surgery procedures are medical in nature and should be taken seriously. Dr. Kim stresses to patients during the preoperative visit that prescribed medications and instructions should be followed exactly as written. The majority of patients are given a prescription narcotic, antibiotic, medication to prevent nausea, and in some cases other medications to help reduce swelling. Patients who are having sub- muscular breast augmentation, abdominoplasty or other procedures that made disturb the muscle could be prescribed muscle relaxants as well. Patients may choose to use a smart phone app to remind them when to take the prescribed medications at the proper times. This can be very important as patients under the influence of prescription medication may not recall taking their medications and may duplicate schedule dosages accidentally. Dr. Kim requires patients to have a responsible adult to assist with proper aftercare following surgery.

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