Plastic Surgery Blog: The Fork Diet| Does it Work?
Posted on June 5, 2017You do not have to look very far to find a new diet or plan for weight reduction that promises to change the lives of anyone willing to stick to it. According to a recent online article on womens website; the latest craze is what is known in English as the Fork diet. The basic premise is pretty simple: if you cannot eat it with a fork; it is not permitted in your diet. According to the article Le Forking as it is called by the Parisians is certainly a straightforward diet. It first debuted in France in a book called Dîne Avec Une Fourchette. It became a popular sensation in the UK and in the United States its now the latest fad to achieving this thinness of the French. Le Forking doesnt allow you to eat foods like corn on the cob or soups like clam chowder. Quickly used begin to see how challenging this diet can be. The hard-core version of the diet also restricts any foods they can be eaten after preparing with a knife or spoon. It also restricts foods that can be spread like hummus and soft cheese. Basically breakfast is usually consisting of scrambled egg whites; and salmon will be eaten at least a couple times a day. While any diet that restricts caloric intake will allow you to lose weight, the question becomes is this diet likely to allow a lifestyle change that would include restricting foods to only those that can be speared with a fork? Dr. Kim advises patients who are considering body contouring procedures like liposuction not to engage in restrictive crash diets prior to their cosmetic plastic surgery procedure. It is important that patients are at a stable weight prior to their body contouring procedure. If patients starve themselves prior to the procedure Dr. Kim is not able to see the fat cells that are normally present and therefore may not be able to perform the procedure as aggressively as he would when he is able to see the fat that is regularly present. It is more important that patients choose a healthy lifestyle, diet, and exercise program that will benefit them long-term. Patients who are considering plastic surgery procedures are encouraged to contact Dr. Kim and schedule a consultation.