Plastic surgery blog: The economy and plastic surgery

Plastic surgery blog: The economy and plastic surgery

Posted on June 8, 2017

Plastic surgery blog: The economy and plastic surgeryWhen people think of the economy and are looking for measures of its increase or decrease plastic surgery is often an indicator. According to a recent Orange County Register report the ASPS is reporting a modest increase in plastic surgery procedures performed over the past year. According to the story the ASPS says 13.8 million cosmetic plastic surgery procedures — both surgical and minimally-invasive such as Botox or filler injections – were performed in the United States in 2011. Also, 5.5 million reconstructive plastic surgery procedures were performed last year, up 5%, as well. Cosmetic surgery went up 2%, with nearly 1.6 million procedures in 2011, the ASPS said. Dr. Kim is fortunate to have established a practice based on skills that are unique. Dr. Kim is one of the few ASPS plastic surgeons who is a true artist. Dr. Kims artistic skill includes sketching and drawing. This talent uniquely positions him to combine his medical training with artistic talent and achieve superior results. The economy has affected plastic surgery across the board and is seen most evidently with breast augmentation, liposuction, and facelift. These are the more popular procedures and have many non- plastic surgeon providers offering the procedures. Dr. Kim has remained steadfast in offering the best plastic surgery options available, competitively priced, without compromising safety. This philosophy has allowed him to continue to thrive regardless of the condition of the economy.

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