Plastic Surgery Blog: High heeled Dangers
Posted on June 5, 2017Most women love the way their legs look in high-heeled shoes. For years, medical professionals as well as physical trainers have warned against the dangers of high-heeled shoes. According to a recent there are exercises that women can do to help strengthen their legs and prevent injuries that are as a result of wear and high-heeled shoes. According to the article, wearing high heels constantly leads to many negative conditions including inflamed nerves and long-term joint problems. There are stretching exercises that can help to prevent some of these injuries. Wearing high heels puts your calf muscles in a weak position after you take your high heels off. It is important to stretch after wearing heels in order to give your calf muscles some relief. The yoga classic, Downward Dog lengthens the calf muscles which make this exercise perfect. Ankles take a terrible beating especially in stiletto heels. Exercising by walking on your tiptoes and doing squats, on the BOSU can help strengthen your ankles and prevent serious injury. Improving your balance is also essential in strengthening your muscles. This will help to prevent added pressure on your lower back. Classic yoga moves help here as well. These include the Tree Pose, or trace the alphabet with one foot while standing on the other leg. Taking care of your Achilles tendon is also important. Switching to flats can cause inflammation. Be sure to strengthen your Achilles tendon rising up and down on your toes and stretching the Achilles tendon. Dr. Kim explains to patients that if the goal is to have proportionately shapely and toned legs, liposuction can prove to be valuable for many patients. As an artist as well as a surgeon Dr. Kim is able to systematically remove pockets of fat that can make legs look slightly misshapen. Liposuction is a sculpting procedure and as an artist Dr. Kim excels in creating the shapely legs many patients desire.