New Year| Have You Had Your Breast Implants Checked?
Posted on May 11, 2017So, you have had your breast implants over 10 years now that it is 2013. Whens the last time you had them checked? Maybe you have saline implants because your original surgery was performed during the time when silicone implants were not available. Perhaps you have accepted the irregularities and contour differences in your breast and chocked them up to part of the aging process. Or maybe, you have decided that there is no way you could afford to have them redone so you will just live with the way they look and feel even though you are dissatisfied. All of these reasons are common reasons why women put off having their breast implants checked unless there is a significant and obvious problem(like a deflation or obvious rupture). Dr. Kim advises patients to have their breast implants checked annually as does the FDA and implant manufacturers. Although breast implants have a lifetime warranty for the most part, it is still incumbent upon the patient to have their breast implants checked by the plastic surgeon for any concerns or issues that may be present. It is easy to talk yourself out of ”opening a can of worms” when it comes to considering the possibility of breast implant exchange. There are many factors to consider. These factors include price, how the procedure will be performed, which implants would be best, and many more. Realistically, this is why a consultation allowing Dr. Kim to check the implants is imperative in helping patients clearly view the options that are available. Breast implant exchange could also include the need for what is known as a capsulectomy. This procedure will help to release excess scar tissue which is likely to be present especially with older implants. Dr. Kim will carefully explain the differences between the new cohesive gel silicone implants and the liquid silicone gel implants that were previously available on the market. Patients will have access to multiple before-and-after photographs of patients just like them who exchange their breast implants for new breast implants. The beginning of 2013 is the perfect time to have your breast implants checked and if breast implant exchange is the recommendation, having surgery now will assure that you will be beautifully healed by the summer months. Patients who are considering breast implant exchange are encouraged to contact Dr. Kims office and schedule a consultation.