Myths about Dieting | You May Be Surprised
Posted on May 11, 2017There are many misconceptions concerning obesity and weight loss according to a recent article. An international group of dietitians, doctors as well as other experts reviewed more than a dozen conceptions concerning obesity that are commonly believed to be true but are not supported by actual reliable medical evidence. If not just the consumers to believe these misconceptions according to the study authors much of the incorrect information is espoused by physicians, academic scientist, government agencies and public media. Some of the myths that they expose included: is a little less or exercising a little more ultimately lead to large weight loss over time provided the behavior remains. This myth is based on the concept that 3500 cal people 1 pound of weight loss. This equation was predicated upon short-term experiments. In the long term, the body compensates and various ways to slow down weight loss. Slow, gradual weight loss is easier to sustain their large, rapid weight loss – this is another commonly held myth. The reality is that clinical trials have proven that people who jumpstart their diets by losing a lot of weight in the beginning (consuming only 100 to 1200 cal per day for example) had the best long-term results in studies. Another commonly held myth is that babies who are breast-fed are less likely become obese. The World Health Organization presented this as a fact in one of its report but a randomized, controlled clinical trial that followed 13,000 children for more than six years discovered that there was no compelling evidence that breast-feeding prevents obesity according to the New England Journal of Medicine report.(The authors did note that breast-feeding has other benefits and should be encouraged). A myth many believe mostly because they want to believe it is that having sex burns 100 to 300 cal. The fact is having sex burns calories at the same rate as walking at a pace of 2.5 mi./h. The article goes on to explain that the true benefit of having sex from calories perspective is only going to allow 14 additional calories to be burned. Dr. Kim consults with women who are dissatisfied with the appearance, shape, and or size of their breast. For many of them, the changes in their breast have come as a result of breast-feeding and pregnancy. While most do not choose breast feeding solely for the benefit of preventing obesity in their child, some were unaware of the aesthetic changes that would happen in their breast as a result of pregnancy and breast-feeding. Dr. Kim puts his patients at ease by helping them understand that breast augmentation combined with a breast lift is necessary is an excellent option for creating better contour, more fullness, and improving the firmness of the breast. Breast augmentation also allows women to increase the size of their breast for more proportionate figure overall. Patients who are considering breast augmentation are encouraged to contact Dr. Kim and schedule a consultation.