Male Choices for Plastic Surgery | Those Who Don’t Could Stick
Posted on May 11, 2017Most reports in the media are highlighting the increase in men choosing cosmetic plastic surgery procedures. The uptick in men has patients has been fairly steady over the past decade. As the marketplace becomes more competitive, men can no longer ignore the value placed on a youthful appearance. The competition can be not only in the workplace but also from a personal perspective as well. The Internet has had a profound effect on how people are viewed and in which format. For many men this could include photos on Facebook, Skype, or Facetime. Without the clear advantage of a confident and youthful appearance some men could lose out. Dr. Kim explains to men that while there are differences from then who are having plastic surgery compared to women having plastic surgery, overall the most important aspect is that the plastic surgeon understands the differences in not only the structure of the male body but also the differences in the expectations of men compared with women. Most men do not want a dramatic difference that would be noticeable to everyone. Most preferred gradual improvement. The most popular procedures for men include gynecomastia surgery which removes male breast tissue, liposuction, and brow lift. For most men downtime is a serious issue. Combining procedures will slightly increase the recovery time; however, most patients prefer to combine procedures so that they are experiencing only one recovery. Dr. Kim also explains to his male patients that the popular procedures usually have only mild to moderate pain for most men. Since men tend to be less than later than women with surgical procedures, doctors and pain, men are likely to be overly concerned about the possible pain they will experience. Dr. Kim assures them that they will be given proper medication to help manage the pain. Men who are considering plastic surgery are encouraged to contact Dr. Kim’s office and schedule a consultation.