Just a Little Won’t Hurt. Right?
Posted on June 5, 2017Now that calories are listed on practically everything we purchase, one would think that it would be easy to determine which foods we should eat and which ones we should not. However, according to recent ABC news story it could be the little things that we add to our foods that are causing the last 10 to 15 pounds to not go away. According to the news story we may think a little dollop of this, a dont or drizzle of that, are nearly calorie free. Not so much. While theyre not all full of fat and calories there are many that are you nutrient dense and even a small addition can be adding substantial calories to your daily intake. A dollop for most chefs registers as 5 tablespoons, not one, and a splash is about a quarter cup. It is important to keep in mind that when following numbers they are based on one serving size. For example nondairy whipped topping is 25 cal per 2 tablespoons. If you rather have real whipped cream with heavy cream and sugar, the same 2 tablespoons is close to 50 cal on your coffee or dessert. Sour cream has were calories then whipped cream believe it or not. Choosing the lighter version will cut 20 cal. A splash of cream are in your coffee is where it will do you well to measure the pour. Half-and-half measures at about 20 cal a tablespoon. Nondairy creamers come in at about 15 cal. But, if youre guessing its likely your pouring about 40 to 50 cal in each cup. If you add that to more than one cup a day its easy to see how the calories add up. While olive oil has become a favorite because of its heart healthy benefits remember that it has more calories than butter. The International Journal of Obesity discovered that people who choose olive oil eat 23% less bread and eat 16% less calories. Dr. Kim encourages patients who have chosen cosmetic surgery procedures including breast augmentation and liposuction to maintain a healthy diet and a stable weight. Significant weight fluctuation through either weight loss or weight gain can have a negative effect on the longevity of cosmetic surgery results. Patient should be proactive concerning any major fluctuations in their weight in order to maintain their cosmetic surgery results for lifetime. Patients who are considering cosmetic plastic surgery are encouraged to contact Dr. Kims office and schedule a consultation.