Is the Accomplishment of Losing Weight Enough?
Posted on June 5, 2017Getting to a healthy and stable goal weight after massive obesity can be an exhilarating feeling. With obesity as the number one challenge facing the health of Americans there is no shortage of accolades for people who are able to lose large amounts of weight and keep it off. There are television shows, magazine articles, and contest that reward these people for their efforts. But, few media outlets highlighted the emotional side of losing large amounts of weight and looking in the mirror and seeing large amounts of skin hanging from the body. For many patients this can be devastating. At first they are excited to see the scale showing increased weight loss. But, as time goes on and weight loss stabilizes the skin becomes the focal point. It is obvious to the patient when they attempt to purchase a new wardrobe or when they catch a glimpse in the mirror of the skin that diet and exercise will not tighten the excess skin. Dr. Kim consults with patients who have experienced massive weight loss and are struggling with their options to remove loose and lax skin. For most patients the most troublesome areas include the breast, the face, and the abdomen. For these areas, Dr. Kim may recommend a facelift, a breast lift, and abdominoplasty. These procedures are rather involved especially for a patient who has lost a massive amount of weight. In most cases Dr. Kim will recommend that the procedures are performed separately to achieve the best results and best patient experience. Patients who have lost a significant amount of weight are encouraged to consider post massive weight loss plastic surgery after being at stable weight for 3 to 6 months. It is not advised the patient undergo cosmetic plastic surgery while they are continuing to lose weight. It is advised that patients pursue post massive weight loss plastic surgery once they have achieved their goal weight and have maintained it. For many patients waiting to remove the excess skin allow them to react and go back to their old habits because they were so dissatisfied with their appearance. Dr. Kim encourages patients who are considering post massive weight loss plastic surgery to contact his office and schedule a consultation.