Halloween licorice could be a deadly trick instead of treat.
Posted on June 8, 2017This time of year it is not unusual to get the warnings about unwrapped candy and razor blades hidden inside of apples, but accoording to a recent Wall Street Journal Health blog licorice has been added to the FDA’s dangerous list of candy. But wait, before you throw away all of the Good-n-Plenty it should be noted that this warning only applies to excessive amounts being eaten and for people with previous heart conditions. The FDA warns that eating 2 ounces of black licorice a day for at least two weeks can possibly lead to an irregular heart rhythm.The culprit, the FDA says, is a sweetening compound called glycyrrhizin, which can lead to a drop in potassium levels. And that, in turn, can cause arrhythmia as well as high blood pressure and edema.It is not unusual for everyday food to have unintended consequences to the health of patients. This holds true for seemingly harmless vitamin supplements and over-the-counter medications. While they may be effective for your health, many are prohibited prior to surgery. Dr. Kim explains to his patients who are considering plastic surgery that there are several vitamin supplements and over the counter medications on the list of medications to avoid prior to surgery. These include vitamin E, fish oil, and aspirin which many Americans take on a daily basis. Patients considering popular procedures such as breast augmentation and liposuction will often be unaware of the fact that these medications should be stopped prior to surgery. This can delay the surgery date so patients should prepare for their surgery date based on a minimum of a three week time frame between their consultation and surgery.Plastic surgery is a very safe and satisfying experience provided the patient and doctor follow the proper safety guidelines.