Friends and Plastic Surgery

Friends and Plastic Surgery

Posted on June 8, 2017

Friends and Plastic SurgeryChoosing plastic surgery is a personal decision; however, it usually involves others which include family and friends. Patients who are considering plastic surgery should think carefully about their social circle and the influence they will have in the decision. This should be considered prior to the initial consultation. Patient should consider who they want to bring with them to their consultation. They should consider the attitude of the person who will be involved most closely with their decision. Patients who are considering plastic surgery are more likely to have a positive experience if the person or people closest to them are supportive of their decision. Obviously, a person who desires to sabotage the plastic surgery experience would not be a good choice to bring to your initial consultation. Contrary to what some may believe it is not the plastic surgeons position to “convince” your significant other that plastic surgery is the right decision for you. Patients considering plastic surgery should also think about what and who they will tell about their plastic surgery decision before and after the decision is made. This includes superiors at work as well as coworkers. First and foremost patients must realize that they are free to release as little or as much information as they see fit. Dr. Kim is respectful of patient privacy as an ASPS plastic surgeon and respects the patient physician relationship. Patients who are considering the breast augmentation procedure may feel more comfortable involving friends or family in the consultation process including deciding the size of breast implants. Patients are cautioned that breast implant sizing is personal should be heavily dependent on Dr. Kims recommendation as well as the lifestyle and personality of the patient. Friends and family can be an amazing asset to the plastic surgery experience, but this is best assured when it is managed by the patient.

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