Early risers are skinnier and happier

Early risers are skinnier and happier

Posted on June 12, 2017

Early risers are skinnier and happierYou have heard the saying that the early bird gets the worm.  A new study says that they are also skinnier and happier.  Dr. Kim reminds patients that cosmetic plastic surgery is for patients who are basically healthy.  Patients have the best experiences when they are in their best physical health.  Some may wonder why someone who is physically healthy would even consider plastic surgery.  The truth is procedures such as a facelift or even breast augmentation provide patients with results they could not achieve any other way.  Having a facelift does not mean a person is delusional about the aging process.  Most patients choose facial rejuvenation because it allows them to look as young and energetic as they feel. Breast augmenation is a choice many women make so that  they will feel more confident in their wardrobe choices.  Rarely do women make extreme choices in terms of their desired size.  Most women make moderate choices and look very natural.  While being an early riser may help people to be skinnier and happier, plastic surgery also enjoys the distinction of happy patients. According to ABC 7 researchers in Britain found that people who stay in bed longer have a higher chance of feeling depressed or stressed and becoming overweight.

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