Is The Perfect Nose Attainable?
Posted on June 8, 2017
Most people are surprised to learn that the majority of people believe that their nose is unattractive. Few people when asked would say that their nose was their favorite feature. Rhinoplasty has become more common throughout the years as plastic surgery has become more popular and affordable. Most patients who seek a consultation with Dr. […]
Gaining weight? Blame it on the Job
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In this economy having a job is something most of us would consider to be a privilege. But, according to a recent ABC news story some jobs can actually cause you to gain weight. According to the news story a new survey by job website made a list of several occupations that could contribute […]
Men Are Becoming Used to the Benefits of Looking Younger
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In a youth conscious society like ours it seemed as though the scales were tipped in favor of men. Most of the expectations for a youthful look seem to be applied only to women. According to a recent local news article this is changing. According to the article Miami entrepreneur Darnell Henderson says long gone […]
Breast Implants, So You Have Had Them for Years?
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It is fairly common especially in Southern California to meet women who have had their breast implants for admittedly over 20 years. Many will tell you that they know they do not look as good as they did when they first got them done but that its “good enough”. The idea of exchanging breast implants […]
Living with Migraines Is Not Necessary
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Migraine headaches can be debilitating for people who are unfortunate enough to suffer from them. According to recent local news story, Thirty-six-million Americans suffer from migraines. Most are women. The majority do not seek treatment mostly because of the wrong diagnosis or lack of knowledge. A multitude of metabolic changes occur when a person experiences […]
How Soon Is Too Soon for a Facelift?
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Here in Southern California plastic surgery is part of the everyday landscape. Unfortunately, when many people think of a facelift they think of celebrities with extremely tight unnatural looking faces. The term facelift has become a twisted word that has been repackaged to make consumers feel better about facial rejuvenation. Marketing companies have called it […]
Spray Tan May Have Chemical That Is Harmful
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Just when we thought it was okay to consider spray tans as alternatives to indoor and outdoor tanning a new report says there could be harmful chemicals contained within the products. According to recent local news story the active chemical in spray tans could be instrumental in causing genetic changes and DNA damage, experts say. […]
Friends and Plastic Surgery
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Choosing plastic surgery is a personal decision; however, it usually involves others which include family and friends. Patients who are considering plastic surgery should think carefully about their social circle and the influence they will have in the decision. This should be considered prior to the initial consultation. Patient should consider who they want to […]
Gel Manicures Are Just Part of the Story; Do Your Hands Look Old?
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The buzz about gel nails appears to be more hype than fact. According to a recent local news article gel and acrylic manicures are a booming trend in nails. For the cost of about $30 each, the technique uses ultraviolet light and plastic bonding resins to create strong and super shiny nails that last for […]
Breast Augmentation Revision: Don’t be Afraid
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With every plastic surgery the goal is to have an excellent outcome an excellent patient experience. For some patients the results can be less than they expected and this can lead to anxiety and extreme angst. For some patients after making an effort to resolve the situation with their operating surgeon they choose to seek […]