Men are Fatter Than They Think
Posted on June 8, 2017
It is not uncommon for Americans to believe they are not considered overweight when in fact they are. According to a recent KTLA news story men are guiltier of this than women. According to the news story a new study found that BMI is a poor measure of fatness in men. This is not only […]
Controversial Hangover Bus Coming To Vegas- Don’t Try This Before Surgery
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Many people, especially younger people have experienced a hangover from alcohol at least once in their lifetime. Las Vegas also known as” sin city” is notorious for partying, hanging out, and drinking excessively. According to recent MSNBC news story a doctor in Vegas is launching the first mobile unit designed to treat people who are […]
So, Still Not Losing Weight?
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Few things top the list of frustrating experiences, then dieting and still not losing weight. According to a recent ABC News story there could be some hidden behaviors that are causing your weight loss to be ineffective. According to the news story there are some key reasons the weight may not be falling off. One […]
Study Says White Rice May Increase Diabetes Risk
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It seems food studies go from claiming superfood status- to absolutely no good for you- status. The latest food under attack is white rice. According to a recent Fox news story consuming white rice could elevate the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, Harvard researchers claimed. Every large portion size of white rice was associated […]
Brides to be Favor- the Feeding Tube Diet
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Brides and diets are nothing new. As a matter of fact, its one of the few times women are excused from ignoring all nutritional guidelines for the sake of looking their best on that special day. According to recent ABCnews story the controversial K-E diet, uses a feeding tube to help dieters shed 20 pounds […]
Do False Positives on Mammograms Increase Breast Cancer Risk?
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Having a mammogram can be stressful enough, if you are told that you have an abnormal result that can be even worse. If the abnormal reading is found to be false, you are likely to be relieved; however, it would make most women wonder how often this happens. According to a recent onlinehealth article more […]
Wellness Coaches Gain Popularity
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Life coach was the buzz term tossed around from early 2000 through about 2005. In most cases it replaced the title motivational speaker. Now a new term has surfaced may be as a reinvention of motivational speaker, life coach- and now wellness coach. According to recent local ABC news story there is a distinct differentiation […]
Are You Getting The Most Out of Your Gym Membership?
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Paying for a gym membership becomes a burden if youre not using it. Its also a burden if you are not maximizing every opportunity available within the gym. According to a recent Los Angeles ABC news story the majority of weighted equipment today has placards displayed on every machine that show which muscles are worked […]
Can A Minute of Exercise A Day Really Make A Difference?
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A recent ABC news story gives new meaning to the question: do you have a minute? According to the news story a minute of exercise per day can be extremely beneficial. The news story reported that according to psychologist Dr. Frank Lawlis and fitness pro Michael Carson who co-created the MyMobileMinute program, you can have […]
Can Money Make Your Man Lose Weight?
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Interestingly enough, it appears as though when it comes to losing weight men are very motivated by money. According to KTLA competition in cash may be just the incentive men need to lose weight, according to a study released this month. The study, sponsored by Healthy Wage, a wellness program that pays participants to lose weight […]