Plastic surgery blog:Vitamins more regulation is suggested
Posted on June 8, 2017
Vitamins and dietary supplements have become a staple in modern medicine. While it is debatable the extents that they are effective in our overall health most medical experts agree that they do have some value. According to recent Los Angeles Times article Since 1994, those selling novel products have been required to provide federal regulators with […]
Plastic surgery blog:LA favors more research to support non-traditional medicine
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In a progressive and large city like Los Angeles new and innovative approaches to medicine remain popular among patients. According to recent Los Angeles Times article series that reviewed different alternative medical procedures; as a whole people are very supportive of alternative medicine yet have a difficult time finding scientific supportive research. According to the article […]
Plastic surgery blog: Calling all nurses…Take care of yourselves too!
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The healthcare industry is known to be stressful for those who dedicate their lives to taking care of others. Nurses are among health professionals who a recent study shows suffer negative health effects in disproportionate numbers. A recent ABC news story that found 55% of all nurses were overweight or obese. According to the news […]
Plastic Surgery blog: Being a people pleaser can make you fat
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When it comes to our waistline there are many reasons and excuses we have for the increase in its size. Most of us would agree it’s not something that we desire. According to a recent ABC news story your personality has a lot to do with whether or not you gain weight. According to the […]
Plastic surgery blog: Bad eating habits; bad consequences
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Without making a conscious decision to avoid food that we know is bad for us it is really hard not to develop bad eating habits. a recent article in Psychology Today focused on small business owners who seem to have a real struggle erasing the bad eating habits from their daily lives. According to the […]
Plastic surgery blog Youthfulness vs. being young
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Unless you have been living under a rock, you’re aware that Demi Moore was recently hospitalized due to what her publicist say was exhaustion. Subsequently according to her publicist she is receiving medical help for her overall health. Most news articles referenced her marriage to Ashton Kutcher ending and causing much of her emotional pain. The overriding […]
Plastic surgery blog: Happiness and energy …what’s the secret?
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The pursuit of happiness is an American right and so many of us seem to be pursuing it vigorously. As we age it seems as though the energy we once had is no longer present and happiness at different times in our lives seems to elude us. According to a recent article in Psychology Today most […]
Plastic surgery blog: Exercise after cancer diagnosis helps
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The benefits of exercise can never be underestimated when it comes to health and wellness. A recent Los Angeles Times article highlighted the benefits of exercise even for those who are cancer survivors. According to the article breast cancer patients who exercised showed improvements in body mass index, weight and blood sugar control, and had better lower limb strength. They also […]
Plastic surgery blog: Healthy foods at Walmart? Really?
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The initiative for Americans to eat foods that are healthier has been in the media for quite some time now. Restaurants, grocers, and food manufacturers have scrambled to be the first offer healthy foods that consumers will like, eat, and can afford. According to a recent Los Angeles Times article Walmart will begin to offer healthy foods […]
Plastic surgery blog: Adele says I am most women
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Being in the spotlight, especially as a young celebrity, involves incredible pressure. Unfortunately, as a woman, most of the pressure is based on weight as it relates to attractiveness. According to a recent Orange County Register article Adele (the popular Grammy award-winning British singer) recently went on the defense to respond to nasty comments made […]