
Soul-Cycle coming to LA Good or bad?

Posted on June 8, 2017

A new twist on indoor cycling or spinning is making its way across the East Coast to the West Coast. It’s called Soul Cycling. A recent article in the Los Angeles Times slammed the safety and effectiveness of Soul Cycle. The classes claim to work both the upper body and lower body simultaneously. The upper […]

Who is buying fast food burgers?

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 The perception many of us have of the person who indulges in unhealthy fast food is an uneducated, person of a low socioeconomic status. A recent online news article showed this perception to be inaccurate. According to the article it’s not just the cash strapped family who is frequenting the fast food drive through. As […]

You Can Reduce Stress

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Stress does not have to be a part of everyday life. According to a recent Huffington Post article there are some very good ways to reduce stress in your life. According to the article one way is meditation. The recommendation is that you do this daily in a safe quiet place. One other recommended stress […]

Woman CEO had multiple cosmetic procedures

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CNN recently aired an interview with a successful CEO woman who claims to have had 12 cosmetic procedures while becoming a successful investment banker on Wall Street. The Orange County Register highlighted the news story focusing on the specific procedures which ranged from rhinoplasty, abdominoplasty, blepharoplasty, brow lift among other procedures. While this story […]

Fish oil supplements are not all created equal

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After watching a couple years of television doctors recommendations, many Americans are now taking fish oil supplements on a daily basis. According to a recent Los Angeles Times article consumer should be aware that all fish oil supplements are not pure as they may claim. According to the article in a Consumer Reports test of […]

Jane Fonda makes a U turn on plastic surgery

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Jane Fonda is the latest celebrity to admit to making a U-turn on her stance against plastic surgery. According to The Orange County Register her recent appearance on the Today Show included in admission to having facial rejuvenation procedures which probably included a facelift, brow lift, and eye lift. No one would deny that she […]

Study says shift work hurts your health

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In this economy having a job is more important than choosing the perfect job. However, it is a good idea to know the health dangers that are associated with the type of work that we do. According to the Los Angeles Times two recent studies showed that shiftwork can be dangerous to your health. The […]

How do celebrity moms gets so skinny, so fast??

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In Southern California especially Beverly Hills we love our celebrities! At least we love to engage in our love-hate relationship with them. A recent CNN article attempted to answer the question why celebrity moms seem to be in skinny jeans four weeks after they have a baby. The article referred to a number of truths […]

Celebrity body $50,000 ; Dr. David Kim…Priceless

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Having a celebrity body comes at a hefty price according to a recent online publication. Although the information should be taken tongue-in-cheek the writer attempts to tabulate what it would cost to look like a celebrity. She starts with a celebrity trainer which of course would vary based on the celebrity and the trainer they […]

Pole fitness hot in NY , will West Coast follow?

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The West Coast, especially Los Angeles and Beverly Hills, usually set the trends. Pole fitness is not a new trend; however in New York City it continues to be one of the most popular trends. People who are adamant about its attributes swear by the benefits of true fitness and building core strength. A recent […]

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