
Workplace stress can keep you in the doctors office

Posted on June 12, 2017

Workplace stress has been known to cause a multitude of problems. Recently a study from that it also can cause health related concerns. Patients who are considering plastic surgery should be mindful of not only their work schedule but also the attitude of the people with whom they work. Patients considering procedures such as breast […]

More women choose to tie tubes after pregnancy

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As new moms face the choice of birth control more are choosing to surgically have their tubes tied instead of the IUD. It is common for women to consult with Dr. Kim once they have decided that they are finished having children and want a more youthful better contoured figure. Most women are concerned with a […]

Graying hair and wrinkles are not the enemy

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As women age and go through various stages of their lives it can become rather difficult to embrace the changes physically that her body may be going through. Dr. Kim helps women understand that hormonal shifts in their body can cause stubborn fat deposits that do not respond to diet and exercise. Women often see […]

Caffeine buzz may be part of your imagination

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It is hard to find an adult who doesn’t reach for a cup of coffee early in the morning. Many of us claim to need it to get going. A new study says that this may be a figment of our imagination. If this is the case, then some people may want to consider reducing their caffeine intake.Dr. […]

FDA approved drugs are not always equal

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Many people believe that when they see the FDA approved seal that it means there is a level of security that if they purchase the product it will work and meet their expectation.  Unfortunately, that is a stretch for many FDA approved drugs and devices.For example,there are many liposuction alternatives that are are approved,this means […]

Study proves laughter helps overcome pain

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Most people have heard that laughter is the best medicine.  A recent study set out to prove that it is in fact true.At least according to the study, it will help to relieve pain.Dr. Kim’s  patients will ask how much pain they will be experiencing when they are considering a plastic surgery procedure.  Dr. Kim […]

Early risers are skinnier and happier

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You have heard the saying that the early bird gets the worm.  A new study says that they are also skinnier and happier.  Dr. Kim reminds patients that cosmetic plastic surgery is for patients who are basically healthy.  Patients have the best experiences when they are in their best physical health.  Some may wonder why […]

Flu shot advised for all; being sick will delay your surgery

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As the fall season is set to begin flu season is upon us.  Most medical professionals are urging every adult to get the flu shot .  It is understandable that patients would skip the shot and consider it unnecessary.  Dr. Kim explains to his patient as they are scheduling surgeries for the fall and winter months […]

Wanda Sykes original surgery described as routine

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In our world of quick and easy we often lose sight of the seriousness of medical procedures specifically surgery. Wanda Sykes recently shared with the Ellen show that she had undergone a double mastectomy following a routine breast reduction surgery. According to Sykes it was during this surgery that they discovered pre-cancerous cells in her […]

Jessica Simpson breast reduction or not?

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There has been some celebrity buzz about Jessica Simpson and the mystery about her plans for a breast reduction.  While rumor is that she thinks her large breasts make her look fat, for many women this is truly the way that they feel.  Dr. Kim explains that breast reduction surgery has a dual benefit.  For […]

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