Are Facelifts More Important In An Online World?
Posted on May 11, 2017Being online these days is about more than just getting information. It is become the preferred method for show and tell. According to a recent local news story plastic surgeons are finding more people complaining about what they look like when they are online. According to the news story the motivation for plastic surgery is partly fueled by Facetime, Skype, and other popular video chatting avenues. The most common area of complaint is the chin. For patients who have lost weight the chin and neck can look even worse than it would due to aging alone. That is natural filler and when patients lose weight the skin is likely to become loose and lax. Dr. Kim points out to patients that the reality of their appearance on an ongoing basis is more important than their appearance for one video conversation or wedding day. Patients who are considering a facelift should consider all of the benefits and limitations of the procedure. Patients are cautioned about considering only the lower portion of their face solely because of the fact that they do not like how they look on Skype. The reality is that a plastic surgeons recommendation should encompass all aspects of the face including the view from the front, the side or profile as well as the symmetry from the fore head to the neck. This is a critical part of the recommendation as patients may need to make an informed decision concerning which areas are most troublesome for them. For example it doesn’t make much sense for patient to concentrate on the lower portion of their face if they have significant loose and lax skin on their eyelids, and bags beneath the eyes. In this case, Dr. Kim may recommend a blepharoplasty to address the upper eyelids and the area beneath the eyes. In conjunction with the blepharoplasty may recommend a brow lift and this may add a significant and dramatic improvement to the patient’s overall facial appearance. Patients were considering antiaging facial procedures are encouraged to contact Dr. Kim and schedule a consultation.