Americans gain 3-4 pounds every 4 years
Posted on June 12, 2017Weight changes as we age
Few people weigh the same amount as they did in high school. So, it is not logical to believe that anything else should be exactly the same. Dr. Kim explains that even when patients have been good about diet and exercise aging changes the hormonal balance and everything shifts.
Plastic surgery procedures
Plastic surgery procedures such as abdominoplasty and breast lift can help to remove loose skin and create a much more toned, tight, and shapely appearance. Patients can become discouraged when they realize that the only way to maintain a youthful appearance is to make improvements both nonsurgical and surgical as part of routine body maintenance.
Weight study
According to a recent study, the average American gains about of pound a year. According to The Los Angeles Times a new study found that Americans on average gain three to four pounds every four years. After a few more years, the extra 10 pounds can impact a person’s health. Through careful research, scientists have determined which foods lead to weight gain and which lead to weight loss. The so-called middle-aged spread shows up before most even know it. Adults after the age of 30 usually gain about a pound a year.
It sneaks up on you, said dietitian Maria Fisk of Providence St. Joseph Medical Center. The report in the New England Journal of Medicine followed 120,000 men and women for 20 years. Researchers looked at people’s diets and determined which foods led to weight gain.
Quality Counts
- In a study of over 120,000 healthy women and men spanning 20 years, researchers determined that weight change was most strongly associated with the intake of potato chips, potatoes, sugar-sweetened beverages, and both processed and unprocessed red meats. The researchers concluded that consumption of processed foods higher in starches, refined grains, fats, and sugars can increase weight gain.
- Foods shown to be associated with weight loss were vegetables, whole grains, fruits, nuts, and yogurt.
- Researchers did not discount the importance of calories, instead suggesting that choosing high-quality foods (and decreasing consumption of lower-quality foods) is an important factor in helping individuals consume fewer calories. (23)
For more information on the procedures and treatments by Beverly Hills Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons Dr. David Kim contact (310) 271-6996.