A Pear Shape Tells A lot About You
Posted on May 11, 2017Having a pear shape for woman used to be considered a good thing. Think Marilyn Monroe or Jane Russell they were considered bombshells. But, a new LA Times article is having women rethink the pear shape and the health implications that come along with it. According to the article women with the pear-shaped are at a slight increase for the risk of developing diabetes because fat that is stored in buttocks releases abnormal levels of two proteins that are linked with inflammation and insulin resistance. The emerging research is calling into question the cardiovascular and diabetes risk for those who carry excess fat on their hips, thighs, and bottoms when compared to those who carry most of their weight around the middle. A new study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism focus on a number of proteins that help to identify people who are at risk for obesity and the medical troubles associated with it. Researchers found that participants who had fat around the buttocks pumped out an unusually high level of proteins that are associated with high blood pressure. Abdominal fat has long been the most detrimental when it comes to health and gluteal fat was believed to protect against diabetes so this study is significant in helping medical doctors share the information with patients that at in either area can be detrimental to the patients health. Controlling the shape of the body for women can be challenging especially after menopause. Dr. Kim encourages patients to be proactive concerning their body contour and additional fat that can significantly change body contour. Addressing concerns early on can make a huge difference in the cosmetic surgery options available to the patient. Patients who are significantly overweight are no longer suitable candidates for liposuction or abdominoplasty. These procedures are most beneficial for patients who are at or near their ideal body weight. Although abdominoplasty does remove loose and lax skin, patients who are obese will not be able to appreciate the cosmetic advantage of a flatter and more toned abdomen. Liposuction allows Dr. Kim to reduce fat in targeted areas therefore modifying the body contour of the patient. While it is unrealistic to expect a complete change in the genetic body contour of the patient, it is feasible to expect a more attractive and proportionate body contour following abdominoplasty and or liposuction. Patients who are considering body contouring procedures are encouraged to contact Dr. Kim and schedule a consultation.