Jane Fonda makes a U turn on plastic surgery
Posted on June 8, 2017Jane Fonda is the latest celebrity to admit to making a U-turn on her stance against plastic surgery. According to The Orange County Register her recent appearance on the Today Show included in admission to having facial rejuvenation procedures which probably included a facelift, brow lift, and eye lift. No one would deny that she looked fabulous although she made an apology that she succumbed to the pressures of looking better than her real age. Her quote speaks volumes: “I was walking down the street one day and got a glimpse in the window and was like who’s that? And I thought, ‘Oh, my God, it’s me.’ I feel so great and rested and looked so different and I just decided — I’m not proud of it. I decided I wanted to look more about how I feel… I just decided that I wanted to buy myself some time . ” Honestly, what makes these celebrities believe that they are any different than anybody else? Dr. Kim here’s a variation of the same statement from virtually every patient who decides to have facial rejuvenation. The only difference is with his patients there is no apology or justification needed. Dr. Kim’s patients are proud of their facial rejuvenation choices some of which include Botox as well as other non-invasive facial rejuvenation procedures. Dr. Kim explains to his patients that as an artist and plastic surgeon his goal is to help them achieve their best appearance for their age. Dr. Kim’s patients do not look pulled, tight and unnatural. It is important for patients to realize that the right procedures must be applied to the right candidates. Dr. Kim’s expertise as a plastic surgeon allows him many options to create the best aesthetic appearance for his patients. For this reason, Dr. Kim enjoys a very robust referral practice in which many patients refer friends and family on a regular basis.