Breast implant scare in France

Breast implant scare in France

Posted on June 8, 2017

Breast implant scare in FranceThere has been a warning issued to women in France regarding breast implants and concerns over their probability of rupture. According to newsmax an online health publication, French health officials said the government plans to recommend to the 30,000 French women with PIP implants that they be removed. The eight cancer cases involved mainly breast cancer. The now-bankrupt Poly Implant Prothese (PIP) was shut down and its products banned last year after it was revealed to have been using non-authorized silicone gel that caused abnormally high rupture rates of its implants. Facing financial difficulties, the company, once the world’s third-largest producer of silicone implants, replaced the medical-grade silicone in its implants with industrial-strength material. The implants were not sold in the US according to the Associated Press. While this incident does not directly affect most plastic surgery patients in the United States it is important to note that there are procedures performed in the United States outside of plastic surgeons offices that do not meet the guidelines set by our government. We read about these when things go terribly wrong, but one must wonder how many go under the radar. Dr. Kim emphasizes to every patient the value of his American Society of Plastic Surgeons board certification. While it is not necessary to be an ASPS plastic surgeon to perform plastic surgery in the US, it is the recommended standard for excellence and the only plastic surgery board recognized by the American Medical Association. Less than 3% of all medical doctors are plastic surgeons. Dr. Kim is proud of the extensive training required by the board that allows him to differentiate himself from other doctors who perform plastic surgery procedures. Dr. Kim performs breast augmentation with both silicone and saline implants and follows all guidelines as required for informing patients of the benefits and risk of the procedure as well as the implants. Patients should also note that breast augmentation although it is a popular procedure can yield varying results based on the skill and expertise of the surgeon. Dr. Kim expertly performs breast augmentation, breast lift, as well as breast reduction. Dr. Kim is careful to acknowledge the artistic side of his profession and embraces not only a great result but also a safe and enjoyable plastic surgery experience for the patient.

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