Plastic Surgery Blog: Kim Kardashians Nose, Did she have surgery?

Plastic Surgery Blog: Kim Kardashians Nose, Did she have surgery?

Posted on June 8, 2017

Plastic Surgery Blog: Kim Kardashians Nose, Did she have surgery?According to an online Orange County Register blog post, a Los Angeles plastic surgeon and UCLA professor who specializes in rhinoplasty surgery made marks similar to surgical markings made before surgery on photos of Kim Kardashian’s face. He says that they illustrate his “forensic analysis” of changes made to her nose. The surgeon believes that Kardashian has had a rhinoplasty. He perceives “subtle” changes. “Kim Kardashian’s plastic surgeon must have known that s/he was messing with near perfection,” he says.  Questions surrounding Kim Kardashian and plastic surgery, only one of which was a rhinoplasty, have come up before.

When she appeared on “Nightline” in 2010, she said she did not have a nose job and, after a consultation, chose not to get one .“But what’s funny is about my nose, it’s my biggest insecurity,” she said. “I always want to get my nose done. … I went to a doctor, I had them take the pictures, he showed me what it would look like and it just didn’t — It — I wouldn’t look the same.” Although many may scrutinize Kim Kardashian’s nose and wonder if, in fact, she had rhinoplasty, the reality is even with all of the photos and film footage; no one can tell for sure. This is a good thing! Dr. Kim explains to patients that good cosmetic work should not be immediately visible especially with a rhinoplasty procedure. The goal is to maintain the basic structure, character, and in some cases ethnicity of the nose. It is also important for a good surgeon to evaluate the entire face in comparison to the nose, and include recommendations if necessary like chin augmentation or blepharoplasty. The average person does not have their photograph taken as many times as a celebrity like Kim Kardashian;, however, every day the most important person will see your face. The most important person is you. Dr. Kim strives to help patients make the best long-term cosmetic surgery decisions by maintaining a solid commitment to delivering the best possible cosmetic surgery results.

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