Calcium Intake Warning; Could Lead to Heart Attack
Posted on June 8, 2017As women age most are under the impression that calcium supplements will improve their bone strength. A recent online article reported that a new study claims that calcium supplements are actually harmful to your health. According to the article taking calcium supplements increases the risk of having a heart attack, Swiss and German researchers reported Wednesday. The discovery adds credence to the growing amount of proof that such supplements could add much more risk than they do actual benefit. The study is considered significant because a large population of people, especially elderly women, actual proof continuously take the supplements in hopes of reducing the loss of bone density. The now seems to indicate that calcium consumed as part of a normal diet can, indeed, increase bone density and could also help lower blood pressure, but that supplements could prove to be too risky for most people to take. Participants in the study were then tracked for 11 years, during which the researchers recorded 354 reported heart attacks, 260 strokes and 267 deaths related to either heart attacks or strokes. Dr. Kim explains to older patients that if they are considering plastic surgery they must disclose all medications being taken including supplements. Some supplements interfere with surgery and cosmetic procedures. Dr. Kim explains to patients that even if they are considering smaller procedures like Botox or upper blepharoplasty there are specific medications including over-the-counter or supplements that could have a negative effect on their procedure or surgical results. This calcium study proves that just because a drug is available over-the-counter or without a prescription it does not mean it doesnt have harmful side effects.