Do You Have a Financial Limit for What You Will Spend to Look Younger?

Do You Have a Financial Limit for What You Will Spend to Look Younger?

Posted on June 5, 2017

Do You Have a Financial Limit for What You Will Spend to Look Younger?We have all heard the saying that money is no object. But, is that really the case when it comes to looking younger? According to recent article the aging population has remedies for everything from unsightly wrinkles to sexual dysfunction. There are array of medical treatments that can now treat these symptoms so baby boomers are feeling better and looking better than they ever have before. These treatments vary but the one thing they have in common is that they are not free and require in some cases deep pockets. The study that was conducted by Express Scripts compared the cost of antiaging treatments to treatments for chronic health issues. They found that only two illnesses, diabetes and high cholesterol, were responsible for more spending on medications than antiaging treatments. By analyzing a sample of a commercially insured population they were able to determine that in 2011 treatments for age-related conditions cost approximately $73.33 per member. This was only 16% higher than the amount spent on high blood pressure or heart disease. Furthermore, the amount that was spent on antiaging treatment has increased substantially. From 2006 to 2011 the amount spent per member increased by approximately 46%. A portion of the shift could be directly related to an aging population. This large demographic is likely to seek treatment for age-related issues aesthetically and medically. Patients should be aware of compromised quality for the treatment in effort to curb costs. It is equally as important for medical procedures as well as cosmetic surgery procedures. Dr. Kim stresses to his patients as they age that making the decision to be proactive concerning the first signs of aging is the first step to realizing a more youthful appearance. Whether patients decide to start with injectables like Botox or to have surgical facial rejuvenation like a facelift or blepharoplasty; patients should be aware that the best results are for patients who begin early before the effects of aging have become significantly noticeable. Patients who are considering facial rejuvenation procedures are encouraged to contact Dr. Kims office and schedule a consultation.

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