Holiday Drinks Could Add Pound That You Did Not Count On
Posted on June 5, 2017The holidays and drinking alcohol go together for many adults. We all know that moderation is the key but few of us know just how many of those drinks pack on the pounds. According to recent ABC news article most adults are not really clear about just how many calories they consume when they are drinking alcohol. According to a leading nutritionists with so many different concoctions being created by bartenders who strive to be the most creative with different flavors, its the sugar content and actual larger drinks that could be the culprit. Studies show that most people dont recognize liquid calories in the same manner that they recognize solid calories. For example a martini has about 338 cal which is the equivalent of a full slice of pizza. Margaritas and sweeter juice drinks are usually served in the standard 7.5 ounce glass this could be almost 300 cal per drink. While this may not sound like a lot consider that most people have more than one drink and also have appetizers with their drink. Eggnog a favor for the holidays is among the worst offender. A single serving could deliver as much is 480 cal which the equivalent of a serving of beef stroganoff. Mixed drinks are likely to pack the most calories in that they contain 42% more alcohol than a standard one-shot beverage. Two or three glasses of wine with dinner can add as much is 600 to 700 cal. Most people are not willing to give up alcohol during the holidays but being mindful of the calories could help to make better choices. Dr. Kim encourages patients as we go into the new year to address any areas of fat that are bothersome and that they have not been able to lose but diet and exercise. For these patients liposuction may be in excellent choice for starting the new year. Patients who have liposuction now are likely to be bikini worthy by the summer. Patients who are considering liposuction are encouraged to contact Dr. Kim’s office and schedule a consultation.